3 Steps to Monitor Your Website’s SEO Health

Monitoring the health of your website SEO(search engine optimization) can be done in a few short steps. These steps are all interrelated and made simpler by online tools from locations such as Google.

Step One: Manage Your Keywords:
In order to manage your keywords you need to select a few optimum keywords which are best suited for your niche. It is better to select between one and three main keywords which can be integrated throughout your website content. Keywords rich content is the answer to your blog’s health.  If you use more keywords than that they should be incorporated as secondary keywords. No longer can your website be sustained through keyword stuffing. No, more than ever, it is imperative to your SEO health that you follow a strict rule for keyword integration. Your content needs to be of the highest quality. If your site doesn’t engage the  reader with viable information then search engines will take note and you will receive poor ratings and worse than that, no redership. Your information, big or small, should always be concise and not full of fluff, and easily digested by the reader. Readers want to gain answers to their questions quickly and know that your company can help them. This step goes hand in hand with step two.

Keywords rich content is the answer to your blog’s health.

Step Two: Manage Your Content:
The second step is to manage your content. This means that when you create content you use your main keyword in the title as well as the sub-heading. However the main keyword should be used exactly, not changed even slightly. The keywords should then be tactfully placed in the first sentence of the first paragraph. After this you can monitor the health of your website’s SEO by verifying that any and all content posted on your site integrates the keywords at least once per paragraph in the body of your content. When you reach your conclusion, the keyword needs to be placed once in the conclusion.

If the content you are writing is for another site, such as an article directory, then you can utilize backlinks. The best way to utilize backlinks in this manner is to place the link to a keyword throughout the text, rather than placing the link at the end of the content. This goes hand in hand with the third and final step.

Step One: Manage Your Inbound Links:
The third step is to manage your inbound links. In order to manage your inbound links you need to first verify the current health of your website’s SEO. This can be done using Google Analytical tools or through Open Site Explorer. These sites will show you a pie chart break down of from where your inbound links are coming. It will designate them based on categories and show you percentages. This will also include “no follow” links which are good in terms of generating traffic but bad in terms of advancing your search engine rank. You want to be sure to verify the current state of your SEO health for inbound links before you move on to fix the problem and make the inbound link quality and quantity better.

By tactfully improving your inbound link quality, you will naturally improve the content for your site, where the content is posted, and which keywords are integrated into the content.

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